Year: 2018

    Weight: 23950

    Working hours: 12300

    Serial Nr: 821.0.2412

  • Year: 2018
  • Weight: 23950
  • Working hours: 12300
  • Serial nr: 821.0.2412

Sennebogen 821E Electric mobile Materialhandler.
Material handling equipment: K11 ULM configuration with 6,3 mtr boom and 4,2 mtr stick complete with MP21 undercarriage and E270 Maxcab.

Electric drive E-Green technology with 90kW/400V/50Hz electric motor. Total connected load 200kVA, motor start-up via star-delta circuit.

Advantages: Lowest operating costs, quiet and virtually vibration-free work, long service life of hydraulic components.

Hydraulic Hi-rise cabin, 4 stabilizers, Airconditioning, piping for grap and rotation function, central greasing, 2018 NPK sorting grab of 875 kg in good condition, BM Air air filter system, books, CE Document available.

The machine works all its life on a single spot selecting waste. Has not driven much. It’s in good condition, video’s available on request. Machine is in good condition, ready to go. Proper 10.00×20 full rubber tyres,